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Going to acupuncture has completely changed my life

My name is Ariana and I’m a 16-year-old girl who has been dealing with chronic pain my entire life. Going to acupuncture has completely changed my life around and I’m more free than ever. If there’s one thing to say about Alexis, it’s that she has magic hands. To say that my chronic pain is finally manageable is a huge

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I have received much relief from stress

Alexis is more than an acupuncturist, she is a highly responsive intuitive healer. I feel like my sessions with her are a very special time of peace. She is highly trained and it’s amazing how astutely she chooses where and what to do next with her gentle acupuncture touch. I find her sessions to be a bit like an improvisational

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Acupuncture with Alexis is very good for the body and my mind

Alexis is an excellent practitioner and my acupuncture session with her was great as usual, her talent reaches the core. The coughing completely stopped, the phlegm became extinct. Visual clarity this morning was unusually clear. Emotionally, I felt close to the angles above me. Thoughts about my goal to be able to do more for myself became more reliant on

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